Bayer HealthCare Animal Health showcases over 100 years of parasitology expertise and commitment in a comprehensive exhibition that has been on tour since 2000
The model of a mosquitoe is one of the stunning exhibits in “Parasites – Life undercover”
Starting from school children to pet owner, veterinarians or scientists
– any interested visitor has the captivating opportunity to get “up close and
personal” with some of the parasites we share our world with at a renowned
exhibition called “Parasites – Life Undercover” which is now stopping in Oslo. The
exhibition designed by the Museum of Natural History Berlin Germany with
support of Bayer HealthCare Animal Health showcases the expertise and long-term
commitment in protecting and treating animals from parasites, whilst enhancing
public understanding on the impact of parasites on both animals and humans.
Over the years, parasites have evolved to have fascinating, resilient life
cycles – they move from one host to a different host, and have developed
evasive defense mechanisms in order to survive, and in many cases, thrive. The
exhibition also communicates an important message, which is the crucial need
for proper parasite management to address the growing prevalence of parasites
that were not previously known in Europe, due to climate change and increased
international travel.
“Vector-borne disease is a topic of critical importance for global
public health; these are the diseases that are transmitted via parasites to
animals and humans,” explains Prof. Norbert Mencke, Head of Global Veterinary
Services, Companion Animal Products at Bayer Animal who collaborated closely with the scientific
institutes to realize the exhibition. “Parasites can be annoying and can endanger
the health of their hosts. However, what is of greater concern is that the zoonotic
diseases parasites carry can reach epidemic proportions if they are not dealt
with in a proper and timely manner. This is what we want to raise awareness of
among the broader audience.”
The first exhibition of this kind under the German headline “Parasiten –
Leben und leben lassen” was initiated by Bayer in close cooperation with the
Alexander von Humboldt University (Institut for Parasitology, Prof. R. Lucius)
and Naturkundemuseum Berlin in 2000. This exhibition was then presented e.g. in
the Cologne Zoo in 2001 and in Hagenbecks Tierpark; Hamburg in 2003.
In 2010, the exhibition was completely reworked and was taken to its
first international station at the Natural History Museum in Vienna in 2010.
Future exhibition locations include the natural Science Museum in Basel, Switzerland,
and Italy in 2015/2016.
Dr. Ernst Böttcher, Bayer Animal Health Division head for the Scandinavian
countries: “Having this exhibition tour Europe and now stopping by in Oslo,
after been successfully exhibited in Stockholm, Sweden has helped us to engage
with our customers better. It has also helped more people understand the
significance of parasites in our daily lives.”
How are pets are affected by parasites? This is one answer found at the Parasites – Life Undercover exhibition
The Parasites – Live Undercover exhibition is a compelling showcase of
Bayer´s commitment toward “Science For A Better Life”, and complements the
company´s ongoing educational efforts on canine vector-borne diseases.

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